Sunday, July 13, 2014

Europe 2014 (part 2)

Day 3: I’m so Francy, you already know!

We fell asleep in Spain and woke up in France (love this about cruises!)

Family fight #1-12 occurred on this day—we didn’t really have a plan which turned out to be a bit of a mistake. Also, most of our family members are not what you would call ‘morning people’.

We ended up taking a cable car up to a zoo.

I personally am not a zoo person. This is due to a very traumatic 90 degrees-volunteer to sit in the sun at the whale show-heatstroke-head in the sink in the monkey house-didn’t get to sit by the air conditioning because D was bit by a wasp situation that happened when I was younger, but I’ll spare you the details (wait…those are the details). despite this it was a lot of fun and the cable car was really cool.

The animals were very lively at this time of day. ‘I think his tail just twitched!’
H:\My Pictures\Toulon.jpg
H:\My Pictures\Toulon-2.jpg H:\My Pictures\Toulon-1.jpg 
Oops! That’s not an animal!

H:\My Pictures\Toulon-3.jpg

We did witness a baby being made in the monkey area (yuck)

H:\My Pictures\TOulon-4.jpg

D and I were able to see the French fly exhibit being put on in the port-a-potty (no picture available-but I’m sure you can use your imagination).

On the way back to the boat we stopped at a beach and had a late lunch of crepes—some of which were flaming (I’m So Francy!)

H:\My Pictures\Toulon-5.jpg


Don’t worry—next week does NOT have a theme song. But !censor warning! it does have a naked statue.


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