Thursday, May 1, 2014


There are few things that I enjoy more than organizing, it's like I am in permanent 'nesting' mode. This became a real problem when I was actually nesting...but that's for another post.

I can't get enough of list making, re-arranging, and timelines/timetables/calendars.

Isn't there something about making a list or calendar that makes you feel like you are on top of things? Is it just me? I think it is similar to 'pinning' a workout on may not have actually done anything but you feel a real sense of accomplishment.

Some would say it is a problem (J), but in her defense, I once told her that I was so excited that I was completely overwhelmed because I've got to make like 20 different lists to deal with it.

I should clarify: I have a love for organizing, NOT cleaning.

Here is the difference:

Organizing--Putting up a family calendar complete with
1. A monthly calendar-color coded for each family member
2. A daily calendar divided into columns for morning, afternoon, evening, and babysitting plans for the boys if necessary
3. A 'To Do' List ; and as if that weren't enough
4. Pockets with the To Do list items broken out into a more detailed 'To Do' list.

(Thank you Thirty One

Color coded calendar

Family calendar=list-making heaven

Cleaning--While attempting a workout yesterday, I almost impaled my foot on a piece of pretzel on the living room floor. After that, every time they told me to 'focus' all I could focus on was how I should really be vacuuming. This got really distracting when I was doing pushups and felt like I was about to fall open mouthed onto the dirty old pretzel. How's that for motivation! Let this be a lesson--working out only leads to more work! That will teach me.

Update: I still haven't vacuumed, BUT I did pick up the piece of pretzel: mostly because L spotted it with a hungry look in his eye and I prefer he only eats food off the floor that he throws off his highchair thank-you-very-much.

The culprit
My workout partner-not very motivating, but pretty cute!

Well, I better be off, I have a vacuum to locate.

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